What Are the Best Practices for Using Beatbot robotic?

Operating Beatbot robotic pool cleaners efficiently involves observing a few best practices that ensure performance and longevity. Among the key recommendations one finds the regular cleaning and maintenance of the filter cartridge of the robot. As experts in pools would recommend, one should empty the filter after every use, especially when the pool has heavy debris to maintain suction power and prevent clogging. Beatbot works best with his filtration system when it is kept clean since it can catch particles as small as 2 microns. In fact, according to the Pool & Spa Warehouse, failure to clean the filter after each cycle can cut the efficiency of the robot up to 20% of its real capacity.

Best practices also include keeping the robot’s power cord well uncoiled before use. Although the power cord of Beatbot is tangle-free, poor storage may lead to knots, which hinder the movement of the robot. According to professionals in the National Pool Maintenance Association, the best way to handle this issue during cleaning cycles is laying out the cord in long, straight lines to prevent tangling. In 2022, one commercial pool service in Arizona reported that this simple step was responsible for increasing cleaning efficiency by 15%, given the free movement of the robot in the pool.

Another important instruction is to ensure the robot works only in pools that are cleared of large debris before its operation. Large leaves and branches will eventually damage the brushes on your robot, reducing its capability to perform at its best. The Pool Care Institute explains that once larger debris has been removed, the Beatbot will have more concentration on cleaning small dirt and algae particles, hence it is able to clean more effectively. A study undertaken by Pool Equipment Solutions states that robotic cleaners, such as the Beatbot, can shorten cleaning times by up to 40% provided that the pool has been suitably prepared in advance.

Other best practices include using Beatbot in pools with appropriate water levels. The robot works perfectly when the water level is as recommended, and hence the suction mechanism will be executed accordingly. According to a study by the Pool Technology Group, keeping water at optimal heights increases efficiency up to 25 percent while cleaning with robotic cleaners.

Among the questions that have been asked is whether Beatbot can be used in all weather conditions. According to experts, though Beatbot is designed to work in most weather conditions, it should not be used when the temperatures are extreme or during storms with heavy winds. In a statement by the International Pool and Spa Institute, it has been said that extreme conditions can reduce the life of Beatbot and make it clean less efficiently.

Regarding battery life, experts advise that Beatbot should be returned to its dock after every use so that it is full the next time it has to clean. The battery of Beatbot can work continuously for up to 2.5 hours and should be allowed to recharge fully for optimal performance.

By following these best practices, pool owners will be able to ensure that Beatbot performs very well and prolong the life of this machine. As the specialist in the maintenance of pools, Sarah Miller notices: “A little care and attention go a long way with robotic cleaners. Keeping Beatbot well-maintained means it continues to perform at its best, cleaning more efficiently and saving time and costs in the long run.”

For more information, check out Beatbot.

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